Monday, October 21, 2013

What is a Fraction?

Fraction comes from the Latin fractus, broken. In mathematics, a fraction is a concept of a proportional relation between an object part and the object whole.
A fraction is an example of a specific type of ratio, in which the two numbers are related in a part-to-whole relationship, rather than as a comparative relation between two separate quantities.
A fraction is a quotient of numbers, where the numerator is divided by the denominator.
Cloze Reading Exercise: Fill in the blanks using the math terms below. Words may be used more than once. 
proportional relationship
Cloze Reading:
_________________ comes from ____________, the Latin word broken. Fraction is a concept of a _______________ __________________ between an object _________ and the object ____________.
A fraction is an example of a _____________, in which the two numbers are related in a part-to-whole relationship, rather than as a comparative relation between two separate quantities.
A fraction is a quotient of numbers, where the _________________ is divided by the ________________.

Grammar Exercise:
Identify all clauses and identify all parts of speech.


  1. Good entry! Could you give math examples as the definitions, e.g.
    fraction 1/2, 1/3 ...

  2. I though it was great how you turned a math excercise into a reading and writing ELA excercise. Nice post.
